Soda brands are a part of American society and also part of our world. We all know them. We all have tried one. They are tasty and refreshing. You probably might drink one at a restaurant with your food. Some sodas are unhealthier than others. There are sodas that can be enjoyed in moderation. Likewise, […]
Alternative and Western Medicine
Alternative therapies have become increasingly popular. Half the global population use some form of alternative medicine annually and, as they typically exist outside of Government-backed healthcare systems, pay directly for such services.
Many healthcare practitioners incorporate therapies that exist outside of conventional medicine in their practices. The following article discusses the differences between alternative and Western medicine and explores what might account for the increasing use of alternative models.
Alternative medicine includes herbal therapies.
Image Credit: Pat Hastings /
What is alternative medicine?
The terms ‘alternative’, ‘holistic’ and ‘complementary’ are commonly used interchangeably as a way of referring to any health intervention that lies outside of conventional medical approaches. Such therapies and approaches can be categorized into five domains: