where the outcome, as we ve been telling you , hass beenee and remains predetermined. it s been that way since day one . instead ofess honest hearings on how to protect our institutions, elected h officials to protect the people s house, the capital instead of ever allowing rights like those allt that occurred in the summer of 2020 from ever, ever happening again, we see nothing but blind, never ending n rage. what is seemingly an obsessive compulsive cult like ragera against donald trump never ends now clearly trump haters for them. hat ers,january 6 is just another excuse to smear donald trump .al anyone who supports them. this is not about safety and security and securing the capital or getting to the truth. this has never been aboututn a having a fair and serious hearing and proceeding so we can come up with solutions. today we heard more rumors a ton of hearsay and wow, a lot
0 we want to say to madeline, w welcome to the world. welcome to america. we can t waiteo to meet you . congratulations, caseyor anthony . that s it fort. us tonight. fore we ll be in brazil for the rest of the week fauci and president bolson tomorrowto in brasilia. we ll bring a report. we ll see you then of the best night with the ones you love. and welcome to hannity.a and we begin tonight with a fox news alert. wow. what a day in the washington sewer and swamp once againle while you the american people,al you know, the people that actually make this a great country are facing, you know, a deluge of serious problems, you know, like record inflation, record high , record numbers of illegal immigrants, record homicides. and so many of our towns and cities. well, the swamp creatures on capitol hill, they were busy with yet another anti trump court and show trial where the outcome, as we ve been telling you , hass beenee and remains predetermined. it s been that way since day one . in