and it would seem that someone that s responsible for that kind of requirement would go visit. he hasn t done so yet, and it seems now he s only reacting to pressure from the press or his opposition that s saying, gee, he hasn t been there in over two years, why hasn t he visited for him go. that s not the kind of requirement that should force the president to go to a war zone. not only that, but in all of the engagements with military forces, both on these conference calls like occurred on attempte.
are all doing well. the nation is doing better than economically. we are the hot nation of the world and it s nice to know you are fighting for snag is doing well and that s our country. i will see you back when you are in the united states or maybe i will see you over there. you never know what s going to happen. cnn military analyst retired analyst, this is a president who talks about how much he has done for the military and how much he has done for veterans. why hasn t he visited the troops in a war zone some. it s difficult to know that. some people think he is concerned about security and some say he is not a fan of the missions. he argued to get out and he doesn t want to be associated with the missions. regardless, he s the commander in chief. regardless, they are yours now to command and lead.
here, but if you want to talk to us about what russia could have done in the election, we re happy to provide those answers but we re not going to start the conversation on obstruction of justice, which of course is a big deal because that could be at the heart of this case. the p the has spoken publicly about the idea of obstruction of justice in that interview with lest lester holt. he said that he fired james comey because of that russia investigation, so possibly robert mueller doesn t need the president to respond to that in writing because you have that on tv on national television. yamiche, stand by for a second. yamiche brought up a point that s been brought up a number of times. on the obstruction question, isn t there enough on the public record to already convict him for obstruction? hasn t he admitted to obstruction on a number of occasions or am i making this up? you re not making it up. there is a very strong public record for obstruction of justice. what robert muell
water, there is literally a zero chance that trump or any client even of donald trump s lawyers would ever write their own answers to a prosecutor s questions. it literally does not happen that way. the president also said he hasn t turned his answers to mueller s team yet. well, if the questions were as easy as he claimed, why hasn t he turned them in? rudy giuliani one of trump s not so high quality lawyers had this to say to the washington post about those questions. quote, there are some that create more issues for us legally than others and were were unnecessary, traps and some we might consider irrelevant. news accounts suggests that trump answered some questions about russia related matters and possibly nothing about obstruction of justice. one thing we do know from the new york times reporting earlier this year is that some of the questions mueller wanted to ask trump involved his interactions with former aide who are now cooperating
didn t take very long to do them. they were my answers. i don t needs lawyers to do that. now, you need lawyers for submittal, to go over some of the answers, but they re not very difficult questions. donald trump has been sued like dozens of times throughout his career, and even with the quality of lawyers that he s hired or at least one of whom who s now in his own legal hot water, there is literally a zero chance that trump or any client even of donald trump s lawyers would ever write their own answers to a prosecutor s questions. it literally does not happen that way. the president also said he hasn t turned his answers to mueller s team yet. well, if the questions were as easy as he claimed, why hasn t he turned them in? rudy giuliani one of trump s not so quality lawyers had this to say to the washington post about those questions. quote, there are some that create more issues for us legally than others and were were unnecessary, traps and some we might consider irrelevant. n