something from cia director haskell. have you seen any change in their behaviors? i don t think i can point to changes in the last couple of years. the president wants there to be changes, we know that because president trump says president obama told him that his biggest problem would be north korea, one that we inherited from that president and others. this president feels he is duty bound to at least try to get that agreement on denuclearize asian. these people have been at war for almost 70 years and they have been piling up their nuclear capability for some time with this country, largely looking in the other direction. americans see a president who is willing to engage and wants them to make good.
prince mohammed bin salman who the cia has assessed with with high confidence was responsible for the murder of jamal khashoggi. he shrug off saying well, i don t want to get into that and some people say no and the fact is he vehementally denies it, as you skboe. and he said does standing with the kingdom mean standing with the crown prince? at this moment, it certainly does. he s the leader of saudi arabia. people shouldn t the president drastically inflated the amount of arm sales going to saudi arabia. and haskell said to brief after
administration continue to dismiss. law makers left irate that haskell was not included, which senator suggested because the white house blocked her partis pays. bob corker said the difference between last week s administration briefing and the haskell briefing was it difference between quote darkness and sunshine. i have zero question in my mind that crown prince ordered the killing, monitored the killing, planned it in advance. if he was in front oa jury, he would be convicted in 30 minutes guilty. there s no way anybody with a straight face can say there s any question about what has happened. there s not a smoking gun, there s a smoking saw. you have to be willfully blind not to come to the conclusion this was orchestrated and