Never before and experience the wonder of the Bible coming to life before your eyes to find out how you can experience Israel and to register go to k.f. I.e. Dot com k f a Carmichael Sacramento 7 10 am the word. This is Greg Thornberry of the Kings College in New York City for townhall dot com When President Trump addressed a joint session of Congress this week pundits both on the left and right agreed this was a very fine moment for the new commander in chief the speech was filled with highlights for President Trump but the best ones came when he said things any proud American should love the response of Democrats revealingly They sat silent hands folded like an old Sahara and Sphinx one laugh out loud funny moment came when the president announced a new partnership with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada to help jumpstart the businesses of female entrepreneurs when the camera panned to Elizabeth Warren she looked confused and muttered but she looked like she wanted to applaud