Today in 1863,the fire extinguisher was patented by Alanson Crane.
Today in 1947,the WWII peace treaties were signed.
Today in 1961,Niagara Falls hydroelectric project began producing power.
Today in 1967,the25thAmendment (US Presidential Disability & Succession) was ratified. What this allows is for the Vice President to become president in the event of death, resignation, removal from office or impairment that prevents the current president from fulfilling his or her duties.
Today in1986,A&P food stores started pulling bottles of Tylenol off their shelves in the wakeof a series of cyanide poisonings.
Today in 1987,Surgeon General C. Everett Koop told a House panel he thought condom advertisements on television would be appropriate, considering the health threat posed by AIDS.