With the ongoing promotion of his upcoming film, “Kajol Rekha”, directed by Gias Uddin Selim, actor Sariful Razz is notably absent from any promotional campaigns. The film is expected to be released in February, while Razz is currently shooting in Kolkata for another project, “Kobi”, directed by Hashibur Reza Kallol. In this film, he is co-starring with Idhika Paul, a renowned
Hasibur Reza Kallol appointed Chairman of Kolkata’s Tele Cine International Short film Festival Jury Board
Photo: Collected
Shah Alam Shazu
Shah Alam Shazu
Renowned Bangladeshi film director, Hasibur Reza Kallol is appointed as the Chairman of the Kolkata s Tele Cine International Short Film Festival Jury Board. The director was also appointed to select the top ten best short films from Bangladesh for the festival. The new generation of filmmakers are producing extraordinary short films and through this festival, these will now reach the global audience, shares Hasibur Reza Kallol to The Daily Star. These young directors will lead the future of cinema.