the c.d.c. says 45 states report high or very high levels of influenza. including one of the hardest hit states tennessee. janet shamlian traveled to an of whelmed children s hospital in memphis. reporter: a crowding emergency room waiting area. 262. reporter: filled with sick children needing to be seen. she woke up this morning, she was throwing up. reporter: the room filled with coughing, fever and parents fear. we re trying to make sure she s not dehydrated. reporter: this is not an unusual day at le bonheur children s hospital in memphis. can i listen to your heart? reporter: us the every day. fewer patients more critical in the neonatal intensive care unit. maverick king has rsv, is eight weeks old and spent half that time in the hospital fighting for his life. definitely not how i thought we d spend our first two month or his first thanksgiving and so close to christmas. reporter: is he okay? yeah. he s just upset.