Haryana TET 2023 Exam date and notification has been released on official website bseh.org.in . Check Haryana TET 2023 Notification , Schedule, and Application Link
Students in Classes 10 and 12 enrolled as regular candidates and at Gurukuls and Vidyapeethas can fill out the HBSE board exam application form through the official website
Haryana HBSE Board Exams 2024: BSEH will start the online application for class 10th and 12th annual exams on October 24. Students can fill in their HBSE board exam form online at the official website: bseh.org. Check notice pdf here
Haryana DEIEd Exam 2023: The Board of School Education, Haryana (BSEH) will conduct Haryana DEIEd exam tomorrow on August 10, 2023. However, due to the Nuh violence and restrictions under Section 144, the exams were postponed till August 9 for some