Haryana Power Minister Ranjit Singh on Sunday said that the State Government has obtained technical approval worth Rs 157 crore to remove all high-tension wires from residential areas, parks, ponds, and other public places in both rural and urban areas across the State.
The work will be
For beating the heat and the power blues, the Punjab Government on Tuesday launched its early-come-early-go plan by changing the office timings from 7:30 am to 2 pm instead of the usual 9 am to 5 pm for the next two-and-a-half months — a move expected to save 350 megawatt (MW) daily.
Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann on Tuesday reached his office at 7:30 am following the state government's decision to operate all government offices from 7:30 am to 2 pm from today, in the larger public interest.
Haryana Power Minister Ranjit Singh on Monday took a swipe at the Bhagwant Mann government's decision to change government offices' timings in the state to ease the load on electricity demand during summer, and said Punjab will face a shortage of electricity in the coming days.