The annual fair called Rakhar Punia is organised every year on Raksha Bandhan when people gather at the Baba Bakala Sahib in Amritsar to pay their obeisance.
For AAP, a chance to show that it is taking on the Badals; for Badal family's detractors, loosening of its stranglehold on SGPC; for Panth, apprehensions of govt 'interference'
A rocket-propelled grenade attack on Punjab Police's Intelligence Wing headquarters in Mohali and installing Khalistan flags at the entrance of Himachal Pradesh assembly in Dharamsala, besides assignation threats to multiple Chief Ministers and .
A rocket-propelled grenade attack on Punjab Police's Intelligence Wing headquarters in Mohali and installing Khalistan flags at the entrance of Himachal Pradesh assembly in Dharamsala, besides assassination threats to multiple Chief Ministers .