people that i won t say the website, but they put up pictures of harvey weinstein and al franken next to each other. actually, the new york times biusiness. i m just saying that you re having more and more women talking about this unnatural flattening of these accusations. lumping everybody into one place, and saying it s a public death penalty for all. that s to say that nuance has been lacking in some of the discussions and headlines would be an understatement. at the same time, it s very difficult to have the conversation because if you step out of or if you try and add nuance to it, usually the reaction is so severe that people run to their corners, heidi, and assume that you re taking a side instead of trying
uncomfortable because a congressman put his arm around me. and that has been a problem that i think as a woman and probably many women have been concerned about, that con flags between the two which are not the same, and so we are at a point in this discussion where we also need to discuss when men like al franken come forward who may have groped someone and admits to it right away is contrite. is it fair that he is being conflated with someone like harvey weinstein? most people would say not. and mika, you, for instance. i mean, it is maddening when you look on twitter. twitter is the there s so many good things about twitter. there s so many horschrible thi about twitter. this is twitter at its worst. there is no knnuance, and you l see people on the far right
attacking people on the left who are accused. people on the far left only attacking people on the right. i ve got to say as far as people going to the corners, though, you have been shown nuance toward al franken from the beginning. and no one can say that s tribalism on your part, because you were critical of bill clinton, oh, i don t know issue. from the get go. 18 years before this second wave, this new awakening to concerns about bill clinton s affair, you were 1 yea8 years a. if you want to say al franken shouldn t be compared to harvey w weinstein, you re not saying tribal. someone wrote an article saying mika is against clinton now. no, i said this in realtime, i think bill clinton was a problem for hillary running against trump, because they cancel each other out on key moral issues of