calling them out. suggesting perhaps that senate majority leader mcconnell should resign if he can t get health care done. to this point, as much as they outsourced the health care plan it seems they may be going that way with tax cuts as well. sounds clearly. and we may find a similar lack of executive leadership to get things done. bob costa, in fact the president in unveiling the not really tax cut plan, the president said the word the name congress many times. he kept on talking about how he doesn t want to be disappointed by congress. maybe congress will come around on this thing. but in the efforts to get this border wall done, the harvey aid may come in the way of that. because the border wall the president says is $10 billion. other estimates republican estimates are 15 to 25 billion. i ve seen estimates upward of that. that harvey aid may eat that up. and that may actually be a blessing in disguise for republicans because the sources i was talking to today on capitol
estimates are 15 to 25 billion. i ve seen estimates upward of that. that harvey aid may eat that up. and that may actually be a blessing in disguise for republicans because the sources i was talking to today on capitol hill. they say the harvey aid package is likely to be bipartisan in support and also likely puts the border wall fight on the shelf at least until the next fiscal year budget fight later in december. it s easier to pass the budget by just having the harvey aid package be the sole main addition rather than the border funding. instead of having wall funding i think we can expect border security funding. something with democratic votes that s not the concrete of the wall. robert costa, vivian, jonathan, thanks to all three of you. coming up is there a rift between the president and the top man at the pentagon? the 11th hour back after this. s real ice cream, without that annoying lactose.
border wall fight on the shelf until the next fisk alyear fight budget fight later in year in december. it s easier to pass the budget by just having the harvey aid package be the sole main addition rather than the border funding. instead of having wall funding i think we can expect border security funding. something with democratic votes that s not the concrete of the wall. robert costa, vivian, jonathan, thanks to all three of you. coming up is there a rift between the president and the top man at the pentagon? when you don t get enough sleep, and your body aches, you re not yourself. tylenol® pm relieves pain and helps you fall fast asleep and stay asleep. we give you a better night, you re a better you all day.
he kept on talking about how he doesn t want to be disappointed by congress. maybe congress will come around on this thing. but in the efforts to get this border wall done, the harvey aid may come in the way of that. because the border wall the president says is $10 billion. other estimates republican estimates are 15 to 25 billion. i ve seen estimates upward of that. that harvey aid may eat that up. and that may actually be a blessing in disguise for republicans because the sources i was talking to today on capitol hill. they say the harvey aid package is likely to be bipartisan in support and also likely puts the border wall fight on the shelf until the next fisk alyear fight budget fight later in year in december. it s easier to pass the budget by just having the harvey aid package be the sole main addition rather than the border funding. instead of having wall funding i think we can expect border security funding. something with democratic votes
office, meeting with congressional leaders today, he was asked if he regrets that overnight tweet if he regrets his action on daca, if that was what the overnight tweet was saying, and he said he doesn t regret it. so a lot of questions still up in the air as this daca debate continues. and, kristen, thank you. casey hunt, we need to figure out where he stands on the dreamers, but let s talk, first, about that harvey funding bill, which is now about to actually have a vote. where do we stand on differences between democrats, republicans, house and senate, ato what gets attached to it when it gets out of the house? that s right. the house is here about to start voting on this harvey aid package, expected to be uncontested, they re passing it under suspension of the rules. needs two-thirds support. it will get it, head over to the senate. that is, as you say, where the questions begin. what republican leaders would like to do is attach a long term fix for the debt ceiling, they wan