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The Town of Fairview regular council meeting initiated on April 20, 2021. Council received information from the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) regarding the Fairview High School (FHS) graduation plans for this year. A report was also received by Council highlighting the success of the Snow Removal Pilot Project that took place during the winter of 2020 – 2021. A request for decision was also presented at the meeting regarding the Restaurant Patio Support program.
CAO Daryl Greenhill had attended a meeting on April 16, 2021 to discuss FHS graduation plans for this year. As the COVID-19 pandemic has not dissolved, high school students will see graduation plans take place like last year. CAO Greenhill explained to Council that he had been informed that graduation ceremonies will take place in the form of a parade. The FHS graduation parade will take place on May 29, 2021 and will be similar in style to the FHS graduation parade that took place last year.