Right now im going to yield the floor, as they say in the senate, to our distinguished guest speakers, bob kerrey and jack danforth, who together spent more than 30 years i guess in the United States senate and served as governor, for bob kerrey, and attorney general, for dan for jack danforth. I will yield the floor force much time as you may consume. Great. Well first off its great to be with jack again. And let me try to be relatively brief, ive been out of the senate for 13 years, but the first most important question for the American People to ask and answer is do we have a problem . Because if you dont think theres a problem, particularly the candidates, and especially the press its just the candidate, is there a problem . Because if you dont think theres a problem, why pose any solution . One of the challenges we have, happen to think we do have a big problem and that its a demographic problem. It wasnt caught by liberals or conservatives. You cant blame it on anybody. Its demog
Some writers estimate that for the last 100 years, 70% of federal laws were unconstitutional. The bottom line is simply that most members of both parties in congress are whores and traitors who sold out the people. The courts are not much better.
Ahead of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's state visit to the United States in June 2023, social media users have repeatedly shared a doctored image purportedly showing him sitting next to Barbadian singer and businesswoman Rihanna. AFP found the image combines photos of the two from different past events. There are no photos or records of the Indian leader meeting the celebrity.
الأحد، 18 يوليو 2021 07:32 ص بتوقيت غرينتش
يقال: نفقت الدابة إذا ماتت، ومن ذلك جاء مفهوم النفاق وهو موت الضمير، والأخلاق، والقيم كذلك، ولعل من أخطر أنواع النفاق وأشدها فتكا وتدميرا للمجتمعات نفاق المؤسسات المتدثرة بالقيم والأخلاق وهي تنهى عن خلق سيئ وتأتي مثله، ومن أساليب النفاق الاحترافي التستر خلف العلم وكثير من الأعمال الإنسانية والقوانين الدولية، فذلك لا شك واقع تحت طائلة النفاق العقدي أو النفاق الأكبر، وفيه على سبيل المثال يظهر الإنسان الإيمان بالله لكنه يبطن خلاف ذلك.
وهذا فيما يتعلق بالأفراد أما المؤسسات الموبوءة بداء الشيزوفرينيا، فتظه