So we will have an initial skepticism. But we need to make sure it is justified. Lets make sure we are destroying the planet before we start destroying our economy and our way of living. We certainly respect and welcome all perspectives and that should be the case on all sides of the debate. It is not just left and right. It is interesting how so many folks that are Global Warming skeptics come from environmental activist brack grounds background. I consider myself an environmentalist. I do travel quite a bit and every chance i get, when i travel, i want to go out. I want to see the lay of the land. I want to go hiking through the forest. I want to experience the beauty we have in this country and make sure we are good stewards of it. However, it does not mean we will just jump on board for every asserted environmental crisis. Like i mentioned earlier, we want to see the proof in the pudding before we jump on board. It takes courage if you are concerned about the environment to critica