CAMBRIDGE A funny thing happened on the way to net zero. While environmental, social and governance standards were forcing oil companies to divest from fossil fuels, and while the United States was tightening its oil production policy and cancelling the proposed Keystone XL pipeline on environmental grounds, Russia decided to invade Ukraine.
We do not expect pineapples to come from Norway or papayas to come from the Sahara Desert. These fruits instead tend to grow in places with lots of sun and water. So, why is it that energy-intensive products like steel come from energy-poor countries like Japan and South Korea?The answer is that coal and oil have a unique feature when compared to wood,.
CAMBRIDGE The concept of environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting standards has gone mainstream. Major Wall Street firms have adopted ESG standards as a guide to responsible investment, compelling the thousands of corporations in which they invest to do so as well. But is ESG helping investors and corporations that operate in the Global South allocate capital
CAMBRIDGE The concept of environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting standards has gone mainstream. Major Wall Street firms have adopted ESG standards as a guide to responsible investment, compelling the thousands of corporations in which they invest to do so as well. But is ESG helping investors and corporations that operate in the Global South allocate capital