Fourfour. That was only the beginning astros and dodgers battled it out for more than five hours. If you went to bed the dodgers scored three runs in the top of the ninth to tie it up, went in extra innings. Good day it is monday october 30th, 2017. At beginning of the six i said please, show me pictures of the sun because were begging for sun after yesterday. Allen sent that in she and her husband. Great one. She said sunshines for us, every day. So romantic. It gave us inspiration. This is what i want to see. That is what it looks like right now just dark, wet gross. Okay. I wish the sun could come up and we could see the rays, and the warmth and get with us that vitamin d. Come on, lord help is, give us sunrise over camden right now. Amen. Preach. Right over christ church. Put those rays on the steeple of the christ church. Go ahead mike say it again thank you lord. We doctored that. The suns up, it is coming up. Well, not until 7 30. You will not see it. But before good day over yo