To mark the occasion, actor Anil Kapoor took to his Instagram account and shared a collage picture on his stories which he captioned, "15 years ago Majnu Bhai picked up the paintbrush and the rest is history! #Welcome was, is and always will be one of my most cherished films for the sheer joy it has brought people!"
‘Thar’, produced by Anil Kapoor Films and Communication Network, also stars Fatima Sana Shaikh, Jitendra Joshi, Akshay Oberoi, Satish Kaushik and Mukti Mohan.
Spaghetti Western is one genre that India cinema hasn t expored much. The upcoming Anil Kapoor and Harshvarrdhan Kapoor-starrer Thar aims to serve a delectable spaghetti treat peppered with thrill and suspense. Although the film finds itself .