July 2 (IANS) Karnataka police have detained two minor boys of the minority community for celebrating the murder of Bajrang Dal activist Harsha in Shivamogga district of Karnataka, police said on Saturday.The accused had made a collage of .
National Intelligence Agency (NIA) will soon visit Karnataka s Shivamogga district in connection with the murder case of Bajrang Dal activist Harsha Hindu, sources said on Thursday.Authorities in the state have decided to shift 10 accused .
The National Investigating Agency (NIA) will probe the murder of Harsh, a Bajrang Dal worker, in Shivamogga. The NIA registered an FIR on Wednesday after the case was handed over by the Karnataka Police, sources in the government told DH. Harsha Nagaraj alias Harsha Hindu (27), was hacked to death by a local gang with whose members he allegedly had a rivalry over local and
The Shivamogga district administration had imposed curfew in the district and closed schools and colleges after the murder of Bajrang Dal activist Harsha on February 21.
"If you ask for water, Indians will give you juice. If you ask for milk, we'll give you buttermilk. But, if you want the hijab all over India, we will chop you (Muslims) all with Shivaji's sword."