Did you know swelling caused by Amyloid plaques can trigger the symptoms associated with Alzheimer's disease? Scroll down to know more. TheHealthSite.com
The formation of plaques can cause the accumulation of spheroid-shaped swellings along axons near the amyloid plaque deposits. The swellings are caused by lysosomes, which digest cellular waste. As the swelling enlarges, it can block the transmission of signals from one area of the brain to another.
May 10, 2021
Photo by Nelson Perez Catalan
Nelson Perez Catalan discovered he was interested in pursuing science while working at a student job at the University of Oregon cleaning glass in the labs. He found himself drawn to research around the brain, and thought about pursuing an MD/PhD, but there was no medical school at his university and as a transplant from Chile, he says much of the U.S. college process was mystifying to him. He knew he wanted to continue the research he’d begun on a type of glial cell in the brain called astrocytes. He attended the University of Chicago for his post-baccalaureate and continued his work examining how astrocytes coordinate neuron assembly, moving from fruit flies to mouse models. But he wasn’t sure about next steps.