Spanned from june 1971may, 1973. The Richard Nixon president ial library conducted this interview as part of a project to document the 37th president s administration. This portion is about 50 minutes. On Labor Day Weekend after their unsuccessful operation in the break and go back to washington via new york. They stay at the pair i believe no, what was the hotel that kennedy was famous for going into . I associated with kennedy all the time. Whats the one the plaza. The one that the little girl remember . Metal line. Madeiline. They stayed at this hotel. A very fine hotel for them to stay in. That weekend, i think on a sunday, the office of senator goodale is broken into. My memory is not perfect on all the names but i believe the name of goodells assistant was andrew pair pierre and he told me there is no question there was a burglary that weekend in his office. My former wife this gets complicated had told the fbi in 1969 that i had given let me get that right she had told her stepm
here, if they were known to the public would cause public opinion to stern against the war. he said, yeah, i got a set too. there was a culture of timidity in the congress, accused of being revealing the military secrets. didn t want to do anything with the papers dan ellsberg offered them. i had told my former wife what i was doing. she had told her stepmother who had then told the fbi it turned out. and the fbi came to harry rowan,
everybody sing it. birthday happy birthday happy birthday dayppy monument happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2011] michelle bachmann is here, i understand, and she is thinking about running for president. which is weird, because i hear she was born in canada. [laughter] yes, michelle, this is how it starts. it is so amazing to be in washington d.c., all of this history, these amazing buildings, and here we are, at the hilton. [laughter] the red carpet outside was amazing. who are you wearing? what does it matter, i m going into the hilton. [laughter] c-span s coverage from the white house correspondents dinner, are ranked among youtube s top 10 most viewed political videos. you can watch them on line at for this year s video competition, part of the constitution has meaning to you, an