Modern Moxie, the acclaimed indie rock band hailing from Charlotte, North Carolina, is thrilled to announce the release of their newest single, "Churning". This emotionally charged song delves into themes of deep personal reflection and spirituality, originating from channeled poetry written by lead singer and songwriter Madison Lucas. The poetry, which inspired "Churning", came to Lucas during a moment of profound clarity following a morning meditation session.
Modern Moxie is a kaleidoscope of musical genres and generational styles, taking dance-happy cues from The Cars and David Bowie and bringing them to a contemporary pop-rock stage. On the heels of their 2019 debut full-length “Claw Your Way Out” and their recognition as “Charlotte’s Best Band” by Queen City Nerve, Modern Moxie bandmates Madison Lucas and Harry Kollm share how the Charlotte band’s success can be traced all the way back to a small dorm room closet in South Carolina.