Gary Phillips is back with Los Angeles photographer and private investigator Harry Ingram in "Ash Dark as Night," set in the 1960s race riots. Iris Yamashita explores grief and survival in her second Alaska novel, "Village in the Dark."
I've lived in L.A. during the Watts riots, the beating of Rodney King and the death of George Floyd. Books about these times, such as Gary Phillips' "Ash Dark as Night," help me understand them.
Whip ban The use of whips has been banned in competition by Endurance GB (EGB), bringing national competitions in line with FEI rules, under which whips are already prohibited. The board and members of the national governing body for endurance voted “overwhelmingly” in favour of banning the use of whips, and the use of any […]
The use of whips has been banned in competition by Endurance GB (EGB) as it “remains committed to being at the forefront of equine welfare”. The board and members of the national governing body for endurance voted “overwhelmingly” in favour of banning the use of whips, and the use of any other item as a […]