Ledyard ― About 200 people jammed into the auditorium at Ledyard Middle School on Thursday night to protest plans for a rock quarry operation at the former Dow Chemical property.
They were there to o.
Preston ― Attorneys for the Mashantucket Pequot Tribe and Blue Camp CT, the developer that proposed a luxury RV park within hailing distance of the tribe’s Foxwoods Resort Casino, have detailed their .
I will admit to having not paid much attention over the years to the significant incline that cars on Ledyard’s Route 12 must climb up and brake their way down, just north of the Naval Submarine Base..
Montville ― Almost four months after instituting a moratorium on additional cannabis establishments in town, several Planning and Zoning commissioners say they don’t have enough information to permane.
Montville ― The Gateway salt saga continues.
At Tuesday night’s Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, residents addressed the commission about the disruption they say the facility is causing.