Guthrie, 33, had insisted he had only “helped” the woman that night – but his DNA was found on the inside of her underwear.
The predator was found guilty of sexual assault at Glasgow Sheriff Court after denying the charge.
The attack occurred between September 30 and October 1 2017.
Guthrie, of the city s Yorkhill, appeared at court backed by a crowd of supporters.
He showed no emotion as he was locked up and put on the Sex Offenders’ Register for an indefinite period.
Scottish actor Kevin Guthrie poses for a photocall of Sunset Song. Photo: Ander Gillenea/AFP via Getty Images
Sheriff Hughes said: “You had an educational background and worked extremely hard to get a part in acting in acclaimed films.
Kevin Guthrie was jailed for three years SHAMED SCOTS actor Kevin Guthrie who sexually assaulted a vulnerable actress has been jailed for three years. The Sunshine on Leith star, 33, took advantage of the 29-year-old woman who had appeared unwell after a night out. The incident occurred at the flat of fellow actor Scott Reid - Methadone Mick in BBC’s Still Game. Guthrie had insisted he had only “helped” the woman that night - but his DNA was found on the inside of her underwear. The predator was found guilty of sexual assault at Glasgow Sheriff Court after denying the charge.
Prosecutor Harry Findlay asked if Sweeney was ever specifically part of the programme. The girl replied: “Not officially. It was just because he was the chaplain that he came in.” She claimed the event was instead run by two teachers at the school. The girl also stated Sweeney helped her get a job at a deli as well as with her university application. There was then a 30 minute adjournment in the trial. Fiscal Mr Findlay returned to eventually state to the court: I formally withdraw the libel. Sheriff Cubie then allowed Sweeney, of the city s Royston, to leave the dock.
BBC News
image captionFather Sweeney was a priest at St Maria Goretti Roman Catholic church in Glasgow
A priest accused of sexual activity with a schoolgirl has been cleared after the allegations were dropped.
John Sweeney, 45, was accused of committing the offence between September 2016 and June 2017.
Father Sweeney - who denied the accusations against him - was a priest at St Maria Goretti Roman Catholic church in Glasgow at that time.
He also served as a chaplain at a secondary school in the city where the girl was a pupil.
Father Sweeney was on trial at Glasgow Sheriff Court where jurors had heard evidence from the girl - who is now 21 - about the alleged offences.
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