The speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. The the clerk i hereby appoint the honorable Henry Cuellar to act as speaker pro tempore on this day. Igned, nancy pelosi, speaker perfect house of representatives. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the order of the house of january 3, 2019, the chair will now recognize members from lists submitted by the majority and minority leaders for morning hour debate. The chair will alternate recognition between the parties. All time shall be equally allocated between the parties and in no event shall debate continue beyond 11 50 a. M. Each member other than the majority and minority leaders and the minority whip shall be limited to five minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from california, mr. Aguilar, for five minutes. Today,ilar mr. Speaker, i rise to honor the life of tim husband, devoted brother, son, and teacher. Working to life save the life of another. Volunteer for the intesan countys search andres could you team, tim searche
The reaction right now to 30 hours, georges unprecedented look inside President Trumps white house. Those candid moments in the oval office. Its a fantastic Financial Statement. Lets do that over. Hes coughing in the middle of my answer. Also on the campaign trail . These people are so incredible. Look, theyre crying. Theyre so cute. And the new fallout this morning after what the president told george about the poll numbers, showing him behind joe biden in key battlegrounds, and the president on obstruction of jis justice and on president obama. Outrage over a Police Confrontation caught on camera. Officers pointing guns at this family and threatening to shoot a man in front of his children. The juice is loose on twitter this morning. O. J. Simpson lynn instantly going viral with this message. I got a little getting even to do. Kim goldman responding right here on the 25th anniversary of that infamous bronco chase. Shark attack. The new warning this morning after an 8yearold is bitten