1990s, the 1998. i had a hard time convincing new yorkers when i was on the radio in new york. hard time convincing them trouble was on the way from usama bin laden. i said this. are you absolutely ready to rage war against terrorism? as you see body parts of your neighbor or somebody you were driving to work with or you come out of a store downtown and you see a child has been blown up and the side of a building is done, are you still going to support it? glenn: i warned at that time there was problems coming and no one would take usama bin laden seriously. no one would listen then. i think it s because it s too horrific to think. you don t want to think that people mean death to america, death to israel. and mean the actual people, but they do. we look at the pictures and we refuse to see in the crowd celebrating freedom.
to bury their head in the sand and not see is it is stunning. yesterday in news, we have a prominent iranian cleric. this is mahmoud ahmadinejad s spiritual mentor. he came out yesterday urging followers to ramp up suicide attacks against the israelis. he says they re legitimate and a must for every muslim. he even believes it s okay for suicide bombing attacks to target israeli children. may i ask you, good or evil? say it and speak it by its name. do not tolerate it. now this is in a region that just had nakba day protests. 90 days ago i couldn t have told you what nakba meant. now i educated myself and i see what it means. nakba is the great catastrophe. nadba day, the day of the great catastrophe. what is the great catastrophe?
glenn: hello, america. tonight i m going to continue my quest to try to wake america and the world up. on something we are ahead of the cub on again. this one could be for the whole ball of wax. the hatred against israel and the jewish people is nothing new. when you begin to understand its history, you begin to understand the middle east. you begin to see what is coming our way. i m going to try to show that to you tonight. the level of hatred that is in the middle east has always been high. but it is growing now in something much more dark and much more sinister. than anything the world experienceed since the 1930s. the lengths that people have to go to ignore it. in the media and your neighbor.
1939, st. louis shows up. this is a german ship carrying jewish refugee. denied entry in the u.s. we wouldn t take them. we turned the ship around. knowing they were headed to their death. by 1945, nobody had effectively tried to exterminate the jews. oh, hitler was very effective. 67% of all european jews were murdered. nearly 6 million out of 8.8 million. think of this, america. that was done without any technology. imagine uprising. imagine the idea with the full gps and other state-of-the-art technologies. how would anyone escape that or especially better, if you are gathered in up with place, like israel. somebody wants to vaporize you, because all it says is your job to vay boarize, imagine what can be done.