Simon Grover
- Credit: St Albans Green Party
We meet some of the Green candidates standing for election at county and district level on May 6.
Kyle Riley – Harpenden West candidate
Kyle Riley is Harpenden born and bred. He works hard for our community, all year round - from reporting blocked drains and gullies to knocking on doors to listen to residents and help with their questions.
His voluntary work includes Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust and the local Beekeepers Association. And he works with Green councillor Simon Grover to campaign for improvements to the area.
Unlike others, Kyle doesn’t have party bosses telling him what to say or how to vote. He’s free to speak his mind, to speak up for residents, and to speak up for Harpenden. He’ll always put the interests of residents first.
Chris White
- Credit: Chris White
We meet the candidates from the Liberal Democrats standing for election at county and district level on May 6.
County council candidates
John Hale
- Credit: John Hale
It has been my honour to serve the residents of Colney Heath and Marshalswick as their county councillor for the last four years. This is the neighbourhood I have lived in for over 20 years and have served as a Sandridge parish councillor for 14 years.
The role of a councillor should be to work with residents to improve their neighbourhood for everybody. I am particularly concerned about the environment and protecting the green spaces that have proved so valuable during the last year.