the folks who wanted to take down issue number 2 and they did it. great to have you with us. thanks for your time. keep sharing your thoughts with us on twitter @ed show usi using #edshowissue2. we ll be sharing your thoughts tonight. coming up, more reaction to the rejection of issue 2. harold schaitberger, the international association of firefighters and larry handily of the transit union on the victo victory. what does it mean in the big picture? what is the middle class across america saying? we ll hear from congresswoman betty sutton on what this means for the democrats and democracy for america. is it the template to beat citizens united? you re watching the ed show live from columbus, ohio. [ coughs ] what is this shorty? uh, tissues sir, i m sick. you don t cough, you don t show defeat.
being on the chopping block, that s not a good way for leadership to move forward, not good for the republican house and the house more broadly. so that s one issue. also the idea that paul ryan wants to maintain his family time. many people certainly can understand it, respect it. maybe envy the opportunity to spend more time with your family. others are saying, it s too big of a job to make that guarantee. andrea? and, of course, while this is all going on, we are all focusing on the decision by joe biden. clearly he has now decided. here with me is howard sheburger. harold, i don t know if he has given you a heads-up. you have spoken to him since last friday since we last talked to him. has he said anything to you about which way it s going? well, first of all, any of the conversations i would have with the vice president would be private. but i will say to you that certainly we are preparing