he used to worry about how to fix the world s oral health problems. - i think i ve got it. - [narrator] then he invented therabreath formulas. - you want fresh breath? i ll give you a fresh breath. - [narrator] for fresh breath, healthy gums, dry mouth, and healthy smiles. - whoa, that s fresh. - [narrator] now, the world s mouths have never been healthier. (sighs contentedly) - works for 24 hours, i guarantee it. therabreath, it s a better mouthwash. - [narrator] available at walmart, target and other fine stores.
visionworks. see the difference. it wasn t me by shaggy you re never responsible for unauthorized purchases on your discover card. - [narrator] this is dr. harold katz.
allergies don t have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. - [narrator] this is dr. harold katz. psst! psst! flonase all good. he used to worry about how to fix the world s oral health problems. - i think i ve got it. - [narrator] then he invented therabreath formulas. - you want fresh breath? i ll give you a fresh breath. - [narrator] for fresh breath, healthy gums, dry mouth, and healthy smiles. i m craig melvin, i m natalie - whoa, that s fresh. - [narrator] now, the world s mouths have never been healthier. (sighs contentedly) - works for 24 hours, i guarantee it. therabreath, it s a better mouthwash. - [narrator] available at walmart, target and other fine stores.