children under 2 i a rear-facing car seat and children under 4 must use a forward-facing harness seat until they re 4 9 , which will include many in middle school. it gives a little extra boost to keep the seat belt in their right spot, so right over their shoulder and their lap. reporter: companies in california cannot discriminate against their employees who have racially associated hairstyles. supporters of the new law say they wer outraged when a referee forced a blac wrestler to cut his dreadlocks or forfeit the match. and the first of the year means no more single use plastic checkout bags in oregon except for buying fish, meat and taking home the dry-cleaning pete williams, nbc news, washington just ahead for us tonight, why the army has banned an incredibly popular social media app also, a breakthrough in a decades old cold case. how modern science in a search for family ties helped solve the mystery in a cave. and our visit with former president jimmy carter, still o