Exhibit Hall alternative for cultural events adequate While concern for Marin cultural organizations during the closure of the Veterans’ Memorial Auditorium is understandable (“Marin Veterans’ Memorial Auditorium closure extended,” Jan. 3), we do have the option of using the temporary theater that has been built in the Exhibit Hall. I have been renting the VMA […]
• Bring the family for a bike skills course, bike rides, a raffle and more at the Trips for Kids Bay Area’s Family Bike Festival from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at Pickleweed Park in San Rafael. Admission is free. Bikes and helmets provided. Go to tripsforkidsbayarea.org. • See what amazing music people can […]
Fall brings a full and diverse arts season to Marin County to delight everyone from art aficionados to movie and theater buffs to comedy and love music fans.
Potomac Harmony Chorus, Sweet Adelines International, is excited to introduce our new director, Allison Lynskey, and invites you to experience the excitement every Wednesday evening! Allison has ten years of barbershop experience singing in a chorus and quartet, and is no stranger to other performing arts. She currently teaches elementary music and chorus in the