Oklahoma voters headed to the polls Tuesday morning to weigh in on Special Elections.Several school bond proposals are on the ballot in Tulsa County.Sand Spri
Local students to Host FCA Fields of Faith
Event to be held at New Bremen High School on May 2
NEW BREMEN Students from New Bremen and other local schools will join one another on the football field on Sunday, May 2, 2021, to share their Christian faith with fellow students and community members during the Fellowship of Christian Athletes’ (FCA, www.fca.org) Fields of Faith event. The rapidly growing, interdenominational outreach event is held at hundreds of locations throughout the nation.
While many Christian rallies are anchored to an entertainer or professional speaker, FCA’s Fields of Faith is structured as a student-to-student ministry. Peers invite their own classmates and teammates to meet on their school’s athletic field to hear fellow students share their testimonies, challenge them to read the Bible and to come to faith in Jesus Christ.