One man’s garbage is another man’s treasure and all that. In the case of the latest project from Arksen, this isn’t just an empty phrase either: it’s a philosophy that guides the development of a new explorer series embodied in the flagship Arksen 85, also dubbed Project Ocean.
The Arksen 85 Project Ocean Explorer Is Waste Put to Excellent Use 24 May 2021, 7:26 UTC ·
Introduced in 2019 as a concept and detailed in late 2020, when construction had already started at the Wight Shipyard Company (WSC) on the Isle of Wight in the UK, Project Ocean is a bold look into a sustainable future. We’ve spoken about explorers and explorer superyachts before and how they strive to enable adventurers to take on the biggest challenges (and adventures) possible with minimal impact on the environment, but Project Ocean is more than empty words. It is happening right now, so if you’ll allow for one more cliché, it is the future made real today.