ali tie signed by orrin hatch. we used to have great debates. he s that kind of person, that kind of human, grand father, and just a man who loved america and put his mormon faith and america first. i was a great admirer. sandra: jeff? what i think about in part his legacy is bipartisanship. he was really close friends with senator ted kennedy, and they put a lot of legislation together which they got over or they got passed together, and that harkins back to a day that we certainly aren t seeing as often now in 2022 of senators, congressmen and women from both parties working together, to get things passed, even when they re really diametrically opposed in terms of their political beliefs. that s something that senator hatch did, and it is a part of his legacy. sandra: we remember orrin hatch, great leader, was admired by so many. thank you very much to our sunday panel.
ali tie signed by orrin hatch. we used to have great debates. he s that kind of person, that kind of human, grand father, and just a man who loved america and put his mormon faith and america first. i was a great admirer. sandra: jeff? what i think about in part his legacy is bipartisanship. he was really close friends with senator ted kennedy, and they put a lot of legislation together which they got over or they got passed together, and that harkins back to a day that we certainly aren t seeing as often now in 2022 of senators, congressmen and women from both parties working together, to get things passed, even when they re really diametrically opposed in terms of their political beliefs. that s something that senator hatch did, and it is a part of his legacy. sandra: we remember orrin hatch, great leader, was admired by so many. thank you very much to our sunday panel.