will tell you how much time it'll take to finish any given game, though the number for "Main Story" seems to assume a cutscene-skipping speedrunner's pa
The cycle of videogame discourse loops around again, an ouroboros chewing its own tail and pausing only to vomit up one of the same half-dozen topics we must apparently discuss again and again, until the world's ending. This time, the cyclical serpent has barfed out the subject of how long a videogame should be. Do your best to ignore it. Let's talk about something else instead. Let's simply peruse our libraries, look over our save files, and take note of those games we've decided are worth dedicating, say, to pick an entirely arbitrary number at random, 500 hours to.What game have you spent the most hours in?Here are our answers, plus some from our forum.
Happy New Year! Or at least we fervently hope it'll be a happy one. But before we dive headfirst into the flood of new PC games coming in 2022, let's take a quick look back at what everyone played over the holidays.Did you fall back on some comfy old favorites? Or dip into your backlog of unplayed games to finally give one or two of them a try? Maybe you grabbed a new game that released toward the end of the year, or snapped something up on discount during from the Steam sale. Here's what the PC Gamer staff played over the holidays, and we'd love to hear all about your holiday gaming sessions in the comments below.