struggling to pay your bills or to keep struggling to pay your bills or to keep your struggling to pay your bills or to keep your house going, it is worth making keep your house going, it is worth making sure that you re not missing out on making sure that you re not missing out on any making sure that you re not missing out on any of those, because not only out on any of those, because not only will out on any of those, because not only will you get the benefit itself, only will you get the benefit itself, that you will also be eligible itself, that you will also be eligible for some of the other sport that is eligible for some of the other sport that is coming. the other thing to say on that is coming. the other thing to say on that that is coming. the other thing to say on that is that many energy companies also have their own hardship companies also have their own hardship funds, so there is private money hardship funds, so there is private money there which you
extra support measures are being introduced, and students are encouraged to come forward if they need help. we have hardship funds in place so we can give you food vouchers, we can give you some money if you need it. we ve opened a community pantry where you can receive food parcels if you re struggling to feed yourself. the government s being urged to unlock more cash to bear down on the costs of further education. a department of education spokesperson told us. those windows are single glazed, they re going to lose a lot of heat. back at the birmingham digs, the students see themselves as shareholders in the group s welfare. they have business style meetings, holding each other to account over their spending. and we need to sort out the recycling, as well because it wasn t taken.
debt that you have to repay good giving you a break from your payments are looking at hardship funds. contact your supplier before you do anything else. funds. contact your supplier before you do anything else. always taught to them. understandably, you do anything else. always taught to them. understandably, but - you do anything else. always taught to them. understandably, but do i you do anything else. always taught| to them. understandably, but do not dig your head in the sand, should have a conversation in terms of the bigger picture of how we help households in the coming months, or would you like to see? i households in the coming months, or would you like to see? would you like to see? i think we need more would you like to see? i think we need more targeted would you like to see? i think we need more targeted help - would you like to see? i think we need more targeted help for- would you like to see? i think we need more targeted help for the | would you like to see? i
thatis given fell, but at a slower rate and that is because the office of students in england where most of the universities were based gave an extra £70 million to universities just for hardship funding in the last academic year. the university said that the institution stepped up their efforts to support students during the pandemic flu hardship funding and other means, but also warned that these difficult times, continuing difficult times for students with the rising cost of living, meant the universities minister in england said that £256 million was available to help students in england this financial year and that was in addition to university hardship funds. hazel, thank ou university hardship funds. hazel, thank you very university hardship funds. hazel, thank you very much. now it s time for a look at the weather with carol kirkwood. hello again. it is another day of sunshine and showers about the showers should move through a lot quicker today than they did yesterday an