Being wise, you could argue, is all about uncovering the multiple layers of illusion that this onion called ‘Life has to offer to get to the core full of Truth. Or, to put it in less oniony terms, if we accept what the world s really like (not what we
personally believe it to be like), we can focus on what s really important without stumbling about in the dark.
However, that means swallowing a
looooot of inconvenient truths that prickle and pinch our egos and make us want to curl up like hedgehogs. Twitter user Colevsthewrld created a viral thread where people shared the hardest truths to swallow that they know of, so scroll on down for the best responses. Upvote the ones you know to be true.
Being wise, you could argue, is all about uncovering the multiple layers of illusion that this onion called ‘Life has to offer to get to the core full of Truth. Or, to put it in less oniony terms, if we accept what the world s really like (not what we
personally believe it to be like), we can focus on what s really important without stumbling about in the dark.
However, that means swallowing a
looooot of inconvenient truths that prickle and pinch our egos and make us want to curl up like hedgehogs. Twitter user Colevsthewrld created a viral thread where people shared the hardest truths to swallow that they know of, so scroll on down for the best responses. Upvote the ones you know to be true.