need competition within this country. we don t have it right now. th it drives up costs for everybody. u.s. banks are stuck between a rock and a hard place. 50 state attorney generals and federal agencies are pressing back to pay $20 billion in civil fines and pushing them to reduce the amount owed on troubled mortgage loans. this comes after banks robo sign thousands of mortgage foreclosures last year. is this just a slap on the wrist to banks who wrongly fore throws or is this a government shakedown? it is a punishment that doesn t fit the crime remotely. it is a government policy prefrps we want to force banks to cram down mortgages to under water members feeding something it has nothing to do. the bank loans money to somebody and that person can t pay the loan back and the government is going to come in and say that 50 250,000 you loaned write it down to 100,000 forget about the 150 you are
need competition within this country. we don t have it right now. th it drives up costs for everybody. u.s. banks are stuck between a rock and a hard place. 50 state attorney generals and federal agencies are pressing back to pay $20 billion in civil fines and pushing them to reduce the amount owed on troubled mortgage loans. this comes after banks robo sign thousands of mortgage foreclosures last year. is this just a slap on the wrist to banks who wrongly fore throws or is this a government shakedown? it is a punishment that doesn t fit the crime remotely. it is a government policy prefrps we want to force banks to cram down mortgages to under water members feeding something it has nothing to do. the bank loans money to somebody and that person can t pay the loan back and the government is going to come in and say that 50 250,000 you loaned write it down to 100,000 forget about the 150 you are
need competition within this country. we don t have it right now. th it drives up costs for everybody. u.s. banks are stuck between a rock and a hard place. 50 state attorney generals and federal agencies are pressing back to pay $20 billion in civil fines and pushing them to reduce the amount owed on troubled mortgage loans. this comes after banks robo sign thousands of mortgage foreclosures last year. is this just a slap on the wrist to banks who wrongly fore throws or is this a government shakedown? it is a punishment that doesn t fit the crime remotely. it is a government policy prefrps we want to force banks to cram down mortgages to under water members feeding something it has nothing to do. the bank loans money to somebody and that peon can t pay the loan back and the government is going to come in and say that 50 250,000 you loaned write it down to 100,000 forget about the 150 you are