Some prominent Chinese economists have predicted that China will further step monetary policy support for the economy, after a series of recent government support measures to shore up the world s second-largest economy to ensure growth in a reasonable range.
Recently I received an ironic joke photo of a parcel box. In large letters the product's name was "AMERICAN FREEDOM." Under the name, in smaller print it read "MADE IN CHINA." However, on reflection, this is not an ironic joke because America's freedom today to do as it pleases and live as it pleases rests largely on Made in China.
China is aiming to have its manufacturing enterprises fully digitized by 2035, with breakthroughs in various types of intelligent manufacturing equipment, key parts and devices and software, in a bid to upgrade its massive but declining manufacturing sectors and avoid technological blockades by the US.
Published March 16, 2021, 4:12 PM Inspired by China’s prominent achievements amid the pandemic and heartened by the country’s new development blueprint, observers worldwide believe China’s resolution to achieve modernization through high-quality development will definitely promote world prosperity. China has avoided the “trap” of a dilemma between safeguarding health and beefing up the economy, and its strategy “has resulted in overcoming the health crisis inside China and at the same time protecting its economy.” China has always put the people first during its development, increasing their benefits, ensuring that the people are their own masters and supporting development in an all-round way.
2021-03-15 10:39 By: Xinhua Inspired by China s prominent achievements amid the pandemic and heartened by the country s new development blueprint, observers worldwide believe China s resolution to achieve modernization through high-quality development will definitely promote world prosperity. China has avoided the trap of a dilemma between safeguarding health and beefing up the economy, and its strategy has resulted in overcoming the health crisis inside China and at the same time protecting its economy. China has always put the people first during its development, increasing their benefits, ensuring that the people are their own masters and supporting development in an all-round way.