violence, harassment, and intimidation, but he says but you can do your 1st amendment. what part of walking up into a restaurant with your family sitting there isn t harassment intimidation? what about the fact that the supreme court justices, they actually were doing their jobs. they swore under oath that they were going to have original [inaudible]. that s what they did. i m sorry people don t agree with it. that s what they did. do you know who is failing at his job and probably deserves it? pete buttigieg. he is failing miserably. if i failed like that in my day job, i would be fired. he s been absent. he s been a mess. we will talk about the laziness thanks to the covid pandemic, next.
school board association wrote to the administration and said hey, you got to do something about these parents who are, they are threatening our teachers and a couple of days later next thing you know merrick garland comes out and says there is a disturbing spike in harassment intimidation and threats of violence against our school administrators and they are going to do something. they are going to started cracking down on parents there was some suggestion use the patriot act your group did a freedom of information act. fbi unable to find any records back being up his claim. what is going on supreme court justices homes are real we can see it with our own two eyes and the doj is sitting on their hands. it s funny to look at it that way. you go back to that letter and you are right there were no fbi records produce pursuant to a freedom of information act sent
is everyone from a postal worker, a school board member, a fighter pilot, an ambassador, and we are putting these public servants through such difficult, difficult harassment intimidation. and we need our public servants. so i just think we have to focus on what is happening agency by agency to these people who come forth. so then how does this sit with you when you hear people who are doubting their testimony, doubting the influence or the other lejd influence from which their testimony might come? when i heard criticism of alex vindman, who served our nation, he testified in uniform, heartbreaking to see someone like that be criticized. bill taylor, someone i know very