Happy Forgings Share Price: Happy Forgings shares fetched a premium of Rs 282 in the unlisted market ahead of listing. The issue received a strong subscription of 82 times at close. The massive subscription of the IPO was driven by institutional investors. The categories reserved for retail investors and NIIs were subscribed 15 times and 62 times, respectively. The QIB portion has been booked 220 times.
Happy Forgings shares fetched a premium of Rs 282 in the unlisted market ahead of listing. The issue received a strong subscription of 82 times at close. The massive subscription of the IPO was driven by institutional investors. The categories reserved for retail investors and NIIs were subscribed 15 times and 62 times, respectively. The QIB portion has been booked 220 times.
Happy Forgings IPO had received a strong subscription of 82 times and was driven by institutional investors. The categories reserved for retail investors and NIIs were subscribed 15 times and 62 times, respectively. The QIB portion was booked 220 times.
Shares of Happy Forgings were listed at bourses at a premium of 18 per cent around Rs 1,000 and the stock saw some addition buying, which took stock close to R 1,050.
Happy Forgings sold its IPO in the price band of Rs 808-850 per share with a lot size of 17 shares, which was open for bidding between December 19 to December 21.