On the occasion of his birthday, India TV s Editor-in-Chief and Chairman Rajat Sharma shared a glimpse of the channel s modern look. Several Bollywood celebrities including superstar Salman Khan penned a heartfelt birthday wish for him.
Yoga guru Swami Ramdev on Friday extended birthday greetings to India TV Chairman and Editor-in-Chief Rajat Sharma. Ramdev heaped praise on Rajat Sharma for his noteworthy contribution to the field of journalism, saying his journey in the last three decades is unparalleled. Ramdev also performed yag
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Salman Khan, Daler Mehndi laud Rajat Sharma s contribution for Uttarakhand disaster aid
Punjabi singer Daler Mehndi lauded India TV Chairman and Editor-in-Chief Rajat Sharma s donation for the flood affected people in Uttarakhand on Thursday. Rajat Sharma turned 64 on Thursday and he announced on Twitter a contribution of Rs 64 lakhs towards relief fund for Chamoli disaster victims.
Rajat Sharma tweeted: Many people asked me how will I celebrate my birthday this year. It has been said in the Shastras People live for themselves, but those who live for philanthropy is the true meaning of life. Labourers in Uttarakhand need support the most. On my 64th birthday, I am making a humble contribution of Rs 64 lakh for them.