Bhogi, the inaugural day of the Pongal festival, holds a special place in the hearts of the people of Tamil Nadu. With its focus on cleansing, renewal, and gratitude, the festival not only marks the beginning of the agricultural harvest but also symbolises the importance of letting go of the old to make way for the new. Happy Bhogi 2024 Images & Bhogi Pongal HD Wallpapers for Free Download Online: WhatsApp Status, Greetings, Quotes and SMS for the First Day of Pongal.
Happy Bhogi 2022: Bhogi 2022 will undoubtedly be different from previous years' celebrations. As we continue to try to be careful, the festivities are sure to be restricted to our immediate family. In these trying times, we hope these messages enable you to electronically connect with all of your loved ones and enjoy Bhogi to the fullest. Happy Bhogi 2022!
On Bhogi, people discard old things and concentrate on new things that bring in some kind of transformation. This day marks the end of years accounts and begin new accounts in the first day of harvest in the following day. 🙏🏻 Bhogi 2022 Wishes & Bhogi Pandigai Messages: WhatsApp Status, Images, HD Wallpapers and SMS To Send a Day Before Makar Sankranti.