people reluctant to take them. the agriculture department released a series of spanish speaking radio spots. the usda made them available to any radio station that wanted to play them. [ spanish ] translator: the united states department of ago ultimate, su da, and its you supplemental new tradition system, snap, are proud to present happiness park. enjoy the show while you savor a delicious piece of fresh fruit. let s begin. reporter: happiness park is like any other soap opera. that is, one whose characters are obsessed with food stamps. each of the ten spots makes a separate point. episode one tries to bust the myth that food stamps are welfare and only the unemployed can qualify. translator: i just can t seem to make ends meet. reporter: meet monica. translator: it s not that we don t love each other, but we re always fighting over money. reporter: she s talking to
back in happiness park, diana is not convinced, insisting in the next episode she didn t need help from anyone. everything changes in episode nine which according to the usda production script was written to overcome the barrier of pride. hello? yes. what? what happened? what happened? she is crying and she s at the hospital. thankfully diana survived. i thought it was a heart attack. what? yes. i felt horrible, but the doctor told me it was indigestion. indigestion? the doctor scolded me and said i need to lose weight and eat fruits and vegetables. i should have listened to you. what s the program called? it s called snap. by the last episode, diana signs
ramon does sign up for food stamps and her name is deana. reporter: i don t need help from anyone. my husband makes enough to take care of us. translator: girl, when are you going to learn? he better not say that to any of my ladies in distress because the ladies in this church will tell him off. it turns out that dean wra is the most stubborn in happiness park, but they wear her down over the next few episodes. in episode five we learn her daughter suzette is overweight, and in episode six suzette comes in last in a swimming race. deana s friends keep up their full court press. translator: it doesn t matter if your husband works full time or you own a car. i was approved, and alissa has a job. i know, snap, snap, snap. really? why are you angry? do it for your own health and