people who have said to have changed our elections process or tried to infiltrate our elections process. this is just as basic and simple as you canget. if we are who are in government, who have taken civics lessons, he understand civics and government and understand world history, you d get a knowledge of what has happened in the past. if you talk to people who still have their secure clearances from other administrations who have dealt with north korea, russia and iran, maybe you ll get a better understanding than this knee jerk, i feel thing that s going on, that s changing the dynamic of who we have been for these hundreds of years. now we re going into a new situation, this is unchartered territory and it s going to be hard to reel back. what s hapned in this year-and-a-half cannot be undone in a year-and-a-half. t going to take a while. what they don t understand, matt, and maybe what he doesn t understand is that what he s basically saying is he
somehow. i don t know how that hapned, but you know, he was so bright. he and my husband would sit and talk and he loved books, a very bright boy. megyn: never saw any i mean, for example sometimes we hear about these folks being extremely intro veteranned, keeping to themselves, don t have a lot of friends. what did you see along that score? i didn t see that. we shared a courtyard. any time me and my girls would ben the courtyard, one of them or manyf them would come down and be with us. i definitely didn t see any kind of reclues. theyere the opposite of that, they were very community, very friendly, very hospitable and generous. megyn: tamerlan had about seven years on his younger brother. tamerlan now dead, his younger brother at large, and so some have described him as the leader. when we saw the video relse yesterday of the two suspects in the bombing, he was in front. first, let me ask you. when you saw that video, did you
week. he said many of the people coming in here look like we peeler families, and mom, dad, children coming in together. this hapned with a lot of family sitting down for dinner, getting ready for bed. 250 to 300 additional hospital staff are now here to help treat the injured from west. he said to donate tomorrow. donate blood tomorrow at carter or stopped in white. that is the information. many of the injured have gone. it s a level ii troubles center. here is the full number for those concerned about friends and loved ones he. 25420 to 1100. 254, 20 to 1100. that is the number to call for information about friends and
contrast. lisa myers. well, i think clearly governor romney needed to blunt gingrich s moment last night and he didn t accomplish that. this is newt gingrich s wheelhouse. verbal combat. no one is better at it. no one enjoys it more. you know, the key for him is not to appear too mean. not to go totally off message. and he didn t neither hapned last night. soery successful evening for him. so you know, unfortunately i think for governor romney, the clip that will be played a lot is himtrying to make the $10,00bet. u don say. here was the fight with rick perry over the individual mandate in health care. watch. i read your first book, and it said in there that your mandate in massachusetts, which should be the model for the country, and i know it came out of the reprint of the book, but you know, i m just sayg, you were for indidual mandates, my friend.
contrast. lisa myers. well, i think clearly governor romney needed to blunt gingrich s moment last night and he didn t accomplish that. this is newt gingrich s wheelhouse. verbal combat. no one is better at it. no one enjoys it more. you know, the key for him is not to appear too mean. not to go totally off message. and he didn t neither hapned last night. soery successful evening for him. so you know, unfortunately i think for governor romney, the clip that will be played a lot is himtrying to make the $10,00bet. u don say. here was the fight with rick perry over the individual mandate in health care. watch. i read your first book, and it said in there that your mandate in massachusetts, which should be the model for the country, and i know it came out of the reprint of the book, but you know, i m just sayg, you were for indidual mandates, my friend.