you want to do, then sandy hook happened and i cared. high school was bad enough. now this. when students are shooting students, you know, that s not understandable, it s not forgivable, but how can somebody look at a nine-year-old and shoot them in the face? how can somebody do that? how can somebody have the capability to do that? it angers me beyond comprehension, and i have a lot of displaced anger right now, don, i really do. it s just displaced so i should shut up, but it s just going to keep happening unless we do something, and i mean we, because the guys and women we have elected aren t getting anywhere. we as a people have to stand up and say, okay, son, okay, daughter, you re not okay. you are not okay. thank you. thank you. are you okay? i will be. better than these parents, that s for damn sure. thank you. thank you. thanks, kim. appreciate that. so there are major questions tonight about the police response to the elementary school shooting here
can have a crisis of hate. you can question god, question what happened. i had a tragic sudden loss of my sister a few years ago and i wondered, god, why has this happened? my mother wondered why she lost a child, which is, of course, a tragedy for a parent. why has this happened? why art thou forsaken me? you say we have joy in our hearts, but it s very hard for people to have joy in their hearts when they are suffering so much devastation. do you know what i m saying? absolutely. the reason we have joy is we know we re going to see our loved ones again, and that takes faith. but at the same time we re not going to be expressing hap happiness. in fact, if there s one thing i could say to our community, to our town, the fact of the matter is we re all in pain.
liberty, her right to pursue hap happiness. so happy to be joined by christian s mom brit harris. i am so sorry for your loss, i am thrilled for you, though, for your daughter and just we all read your story, not a dry eye around this place. so thank you so much. you did a few photo shoots, i understand, but i want you to tell me about this latest one. tell me why you decided to do it with the 82nd airborne? i wanted to have something i could pass down to christian, and give her a picture. the men and women from his unit are about to be stationed in different places, some are going to different countries. eventually we re all going to be split up, i wanted to show her a time when we were all together, all rooting for her, and show her how loved she was.
because it is a waste of our time and it is not living out what our forefathers, founding fathers envisioned for this country. life, liberty, the pursuit of hap happiness. this isn t over. this is the beginning of the end. from here, we fight. it is time to fight for our lives. there is only one way to do that. we need to rev up our engines, rev up america. and we need to register to vote. preregister to vote. then we will educate. we ll be going on around this
how about orrin hatch? isn t he going to be for trump? orrin hatch has been for trump, and unfortunately, he s urged utahns to, quote, do the right thing and support donald trump. how about mike lee? the other senator? well, i don t know about mike lee. i think he s taken a stand in some way against trump. he has? well, he has. he was at the convention. but this is the thing. our leaders need to take a stand for what has made this country special, which is that all men and women are created equal. that s true for all humans. but it s enshrined in our founding documents, that we all have unailenable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of hap happiness. it s not enough to say i oppose this or that candidate or idea. true leadership is standing up and saying what you re for and fighting for that thing. you know, that s nicely put.