I know we say it every spring, but I sure wish the wind would let up. I’m sure the empty lick barrels and trampolines have all left the country by now. It’s kind of.
As expected, it got to acting like winter again. The wet snow was welcome as far as I’m concerned. It’s still snowing as I’m writing this, but the forecast has sunshine and nice.
It’s sure been foggy in my area. Day afteri day of pea soup fog, a few days break, then more fog. If the old belief holds true the 90 days after fog there will be.
My oh my, it’s been nice. Up into the 60 degree range for a few days and people are talking about winter being over. Not me. I’m no newcomer to the northern plains. I know.
Some years ago on Christmas Eve, while we were snug in bed, I thought I heard a noise outside, so strange, sleep quickly fled. I nudged Hubby and he said, “Yes I heard it to.