and pensions lower than the rest of the country. it s still hard to convince young people to stay. i came to talk to hannelore and herfriends. they all support germany s far right party, afd.
in the former communist east. this is one of germany s most beautiful cities. you might even recognise parts of it it s often used, sometimes by hollywood, as a backdrop for historical drama. but behind the facade, this place and many others like it in the former east, have a serious problem. when the iron curtain fell, people here were promised blooming landscapes. 30 years on, opportunities are still fewer, salaries and pensions lower than the rest of the country. it s still hard to convince young people to stay. i came to talk to hannelore and herfriends. they all support germany s far right party, afd.
Hamburg (ots) - Sie waren ein Herz und eine Seele - zwei Jahre nach dem Tod seiner Mutter Hannelore Elsner ist ihr Sohn Dominik nun wieder in die ehemals gemeinsame Wohnung gezogen. "Es ist teilweise sehr